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Механізми трансформації структур черепа в еволюції
нічниць та споріднених груп гладконосих рукокрилих

Дзеверін Ігор Ігорович

дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеню доктора біологічних наук

Офіційні опоненти: Рековець Леонід Іванович, Волох Анатолій Михайлович, Токарський Віктор Арсентійович.
спеціальність 03.00.08 — зоологія;
захист: 07.02.2012 в Інституті зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена НАН України (спеціалізована вчена рада Д 26.153.01).

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Дзеверін І. І. Механізми трансформації структур черепа в еволюції нічниць та споріднених груп гладконосих рукокрилих. – Рукопис. – Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора біологічних наук за спеціальністю 03.00.08 – зоологія. – Інститут зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена НАН України. – Київ, 2011.

На вибірці з 410-и екз. досліджено внутрішньовидову мінливість та міжвидові відмінності десяти видів роду Myotis за краніометричними ознаками, одержано кількісні оцінки масштабів та темпів дивергенції, проведено порівняння характеристик еволюції в різних групах гладконосих кажанів та ссавців загалом. Темпи трансформації краніометричних ознак зазнавали в нічниць змін під час еволюції, однак не перевищували певного рівня, що міг бути забезпечений рушійним добором помірної інтенсивності або генетичним дрейфом. Консерватизм скелетних структур в еволюції рукокрилих є наслідком дії стабілізуючого добору, а не структурних обмежень. Регресивні трансформації в еволюції досліджених структур швидше спричинено нагромадженням мутацій, ніж негативним добором. Запропоновано математичну модель регресивної еволюції, що ґрунтується на еволюційній концепції І. І. Шмальгаузена.

Ключові слова: Myotis, Vespertilionidae, Mammalia, череп, кількісна ознака, еволюція, дивергенція, стазис, природний добір, генетичний дрейф, адаптація, гетерохронія, рудимент.


Dzeverin, I. I. Mechanisms affecting the evolutionary change of cranial structures in Myotis and related vespertilionid taxa. – Manuscript. – Thesis for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Biology) in specialty 03.00.08 – zoology. – Kiev, 2011.

Multiple craniometric variation as well as evolutionary rates and patterns were studied in 10 extant Palearctic Myotis species (13 OTUs) on a total sample of 410 specimens. Several additional samples from various mammalian taxa were taken for comparison. Lynch’s and Gingerich’s approaches were combined to evaluate the univariate rates of divergence. Squared Mahalanobis distance was used as a multivariate measure for amount of divergence, and squared Mahalanobis distance weighted by time was used as a measure for the rate of divergence.

Rates of divergence were measured for 27 craniometric characters in 12 extant OTUs from the bat genus Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). The obtained estimates were found to be consistent with random walk hypothesis. Thus the divergence in Myotis could be guided by random drift and mutations. The high dispersion in rate estimates suggests also a possible input of randomly fluctuating selection. Size-adjusted data appeared to be lesser then the initial data, and it can be concluded that both size and shape were involved in divergence of Myotis species. The skeletal characters in bats are known to be extremely conservative during long-term evolution, however the possibility for random walk at short time interval implies that bat evolution is constrained rather ecologically and biomechanically than genetically or developmentally.

In five closely related OTUs namely M. myotis, M. blythii oxygnathus, M. b. omari, M. b. blythii, and M. nattereri, the estimates for evolutionary rates were found to be lower than expected if the divergence had been produced solely by mutation and random drift. So, it can be concluded that stabilizing selection was the principal factor that maintained craniometric characters during the evolution of the studied species and prevented their greater diversification. Moreover, the rates of divergence between the ancestors of M. nattereri and the common ancestors of M. blythii and M. myotis apparently were higher than the rates of following divergence between M. myotis, M. b. oxygnathus, M. b. omari and M. b. blythii. All the observed differences between the studied OTUs could be established by random drift or directional selection of rather moderate intensity. The multivariate analysis indicated that Crimean M. blythii are the specimens of M. b. oxygnathus and confirmed that the isolated population of M. blythii from Altai (the 13th studied OTU), which has been recently described as the subspecies M. b. altaicus, really differs from all the other known Myotis taxa.

The regressive transformations in skull evolution result from accumulation of random mutations more likely than from negative selection. A mathematical model for the regressive trend of complex structures in neutral evolution is developed. It is based on Schmalhausen’s evolutionary concept. Evolutionary changes of characters formed in ontogeny by developmental induction are modeled for an infinite population and for replicate finite populations under a mutation – drift equilibrium. Induction occurs by interaction of reactants, which must therefore coincide in time intervals of their abilities to react. This mechanism is being damaged in evolution of useless structures by random mutations in genes that control simultaneous formations of reactants, whereas mutational effects on important structures are restrained by selection. The breakdown of induction mechanisms produces increased variability and degeneration in vestigial characters. Quantitative estimations are illustrated by data regarding regressive trends in some groups of mammals. Time spans sufficient for complete loss of vestigial organs obtained from the modelings are much smaller than the periods of macroevolutionary changes. Certain functional value and the genetic correlation with important structures are the most probable mechanisms that could prevent the rapid loss of vestigial structures.

Key words: Myotis, Vespertilionidae, Mammalia, skull, quantitative character, evolution, divergence, stasis, natural selection, genetic drift, adaptation, heterochrony, vestigial organ.

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сторінку підготував Ігор Загороднюк
створено 14.01.2012, поновлено 14.01.2012.