10 (2010)

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Proceedings of the Theriological School

ISSN 2312–2749 (print) • ISSN 2074-2274 (online)

2010 • Vol. 10 • Contents of volume >>>

download pdfPrydatko, V., Kolomytsev, G., Makarenko, V. 2010. Magnitude of historical and expected changes of mammals’ natural habitats in Eastern Eurasia based on the EEBIO (GLOBIO) modelling approach. Proceedings of the Theriological School, 10: 40–46. [In Ukrainian]



Magnitude of historical and expected changes of mammals' natural habitats in Eastern Eurasia based on the EEBIO (GLOBIO) modelling approach


Vasyl Prydatko, Grygoriy Kolomytsev, Valeria Makarenko


Ukrainian Land and Resource Management Center (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Proceedings of the Theriological School. 2010. Vol. 10: 40–46.





Ukrainian, with English summary, titles of tables, captures to figs


In 2005–2006 we developed first in Ukraine 65 GISs (ArcMap 9x) based on new experience using remote sensing data (1 km…25 m) of 1993–2005. The set of maps was used for wide analysis of historical and expected expansion of mammals in the post-soviet Eastern Eurasia — EEBIO. These outcomes showed that final prediction-maps displayed changes better if GIS- operators transformed so many opinions of sciences that were possible and took into account diversity of RS and GIS data. Numbers of mistakes in historical textual ‘models’ correlated significantly with size of habitat areas of selected mammals: the bigger area ‘provokes’ more mistakes. The article contents examples concerning the historic and expected distribution of bears (Ursus maritimus, U. arctos) and wolf (Canis lupus).


mammals, GIS, Eurasia, Ursus maritimus, Ursus arctos, Canis lupus, Bern Convention.



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