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Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2020 • Vol. 11 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfLazariev, D., Moroz, V., Koroletska, L. 2020. Species of herbivore mammals in Striltsivsky Steppe and their environment-forming role for the ecosystems of the nature reserve. Novitates Theriologicae, 11: 61–71.



Species of herbivore mammals in Striltsivsky Steppe and their environment-forming role for the ecosystems of the nature reserve


Denys Lazariev (Luhansk Nature Reserve, NAS of Ukraine, Stanytsia-Luhanska)
Vadim Moroz (Luhansk Nature Reserve, NAS of Ukraine, Stanytsia-Luhanska)
Larysa Koroletska (Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Starobilsk)


The article describes the key herbivore mammals species of in Striltsivsky Steppe. The authors noticed changes in the list of mammalian genera, namely, a decrease in the number of certain groups of characteristic steppe plant feeders, as well as the appearance and distribution of species common for forest biotopes. An increase in the number of large plant feeders (such as wild boar and roe deer) was noted, although the nature and scale of their environment-forming role are insufficient in suppressing reservogenic successions of the vegetation cover. Based on own observations and literature data analysis, the authors predict that the relevant trends in the flora and fauna composition in the reserve will continue in the future provided that the current regime of its territory remains the same.


Ukrainian, with English summary



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online: 28.08.2020 print: 31.12.2020


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