general info about Theriologia Ukrainica

Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Serhii Boldenkov, a game scientist and manager in the field of game science. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 157–160.



Serhii Boldenkov, a game scientist and manager in the field of game science


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


A short essay about a researcher, game scientist and manager who has been in leadership positions in the forestry and hunting system all his life, but was not just an official, but actively developed the industry, personally dealing with the development of hunting grounds and support for hunting resources. He was one of the key developers of the 2tp-hunting accounting system and 22 state hunting grounds, wrote scientific articles, participated in scientific forums and initiated hunting conferences. Sergii Boldenkov is the author of at least 32 scientific publications, most of which are devoted to assessments of populations of game animals, development of game management, and the protection and rational use of natural resources.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Boldenkov, S., A. Korneev. 1967. Hunting economy of Ukraine. Hunting and hunting economy, No. 8: 4–6. [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. V., E. D. Krainev, B. A. Galaka. 1970. Expansion of the range of wild boar and roe deer in Ukraine. Fifth Interuniversity Zoogeography Conf. Kazan, 46–47. [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S., E. Krainev, B. Galaka. 1971a. On the breeding of the Rusak hare in agricultural lands of Ukraine. Hunting and hunting economy, No. 5: 23.  [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. V., E. D. Krainev, B. A. Galaka. 1971b. On the importation into Ukraine the Far Eastern wild boars, sika deer, and roe deer. In: Ways of increasing the efficiency of hunting economy: Proceedings of the ІІІ conference of Siberian game scientists. Part 1. Irkutsk, 41–43. [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. V. 1973. Population dynamics and some data on moose production in the Ukrainian SSR. In: Development of hunting economy of the Ukrainian SSR: Proceedings of the II Conf. Kyiv, 147–149.  [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. V. E. D. Krainev. 1975. Population dynamics and utilisation of wild boar, roe deer and elk in the Ukrainian SSR. In: Ungulate faunas of the USSR. Nauka, Moscow, 213–215.  [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. V. 1976. Hunting on ungulates. In: Hunting. Urozhay, Kyiv, 38–45. [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. 1980. Wolves in Ukraine. Hunting and hunting economy, No. 6: 4–5.  [In Russian]
Boldenkov, S. V., E. D. Krainev, G. M. Panov. 1984. Current distribution and abundance of beavers in the Ukrainian SSR. In: Scientific bases of beaver breeding. Voronezh University Press, Voronezh, 14–20. [In Russian]
Kryzhanovsky, V. I., S. V. Boldenkov, L. A. Gubkin, [et al.] 1988. Biological bases and priority tasks of the hunting economy of the Ukrainian SSR. In: Studying the theriofauna of Ukraine, its rational use and protection. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 3–19. [In Russian]


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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created: 30.12.2023
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