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Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Leonid Taranenko, an expert in the nature of eastern Ukraine. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 173–176.



Leonid Taranenko, an expert in the nature of eastern Ukraine


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


An essay about Leonid Ivanovych Taranenko (1940–2021), a well-known researcher, zoologist of a broad profile, who went through a very complex personal and professional life. The key points in his professional growth were the University of Rostov (study, dissertation) and the University of Donetsk (work as an associate professor of the Department of Zoology). Leonid Ivanovych became a key organiser of a number of research projects, including the ‘Birds of the Siversky Donets’ network and studies of rare vertebrates of Donetsk Oblast, including mammals. The researcher authored about 200 scientific publications, among which there is also a share of mammalogical publications. Leonid Taranenko left behind many talented students.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Florova, V. V., L. I. Taranenko. 1997. On the distribution and abundance of Harbor porpoise. In: Aspects of studying biodiversity of Donbas. Vol. 1. (Results of research work of students, graduate students and teachers for 1997). Donensk State Univ., Donetsk, 94–98. [In Russian]
Taranenko, L. I. 1993. Notes on the toponymy of the Northern Sea of Azov. In: Posrednikov, V. A. (ed.).Donetsk Archaeological Collection. Issue 3. Avers Co. Ltd, Donetsk, 165–171. [In Russian]
Taranenko, L. I. 1999. Vladimir Emmanuilovich Martino (1888–1961). In: Ornithologists of Ukraine: Biobibliographic Reference Book. Issue 1. Kharkiv, 85–88. [In Russian]
Taranenko, L. I. 2001. Influence of grazing on the formation of pasture ecosystems in the floodplain of the Lower Don. In: Structure and functional role of the animal population in natural and trans-formed ecosystems: Abstracts of Internat. conf. DNU, Dnepropetrovsk, 219–222. [In Russian]
Taranenko, L. I. 2005. Roman Nikolaevich Meklenburtsev. Birds of the Siversky Donets basin. Issue 9. (Materials of 11–12 meetings). Donetsk, 130–141. [In Russian]
Taranenko, L., B. Melnichenko, D. Pilipenko, V. Diyakov. 2008. Rare species of terrestrial mammals in the Donetsk province: current state and perspectives of protection. In: Zagorodniuk I. (ed.). Rare Theriofauna and Its Conservation. Luhansk, 187–198. (Series: Proceedings of the Theriological School; Vol. 9). [In Russian]
Taranenko, L. 2012. The Gambian pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus) as a synanthropic rodent species in western Africa. Proceedings of the Theriological School; 11: 143–144. [In Russian]
Vysochyn, M. O., Yu. V. Solomashenko. 2021. In memory of Leonid Ivanovych Taranenko (18.06.1940 – 27.09.2021). Strepet, 19 (1-2): 146–160. [In Russian]
Zagorodniuk, I. V. 2013. Research network «Interregional working group on birds of Siversky Donets river basin»: to the 20th anniversary of establishment and activity (1993–2013). Berkut, 22 (1): 68–74. [In Ukrainian].


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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