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Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Boris Fortunatov, a revolutionary zoologist, ideologist of fauna transformation. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 177–180.



Boris Fortunatov, a revolutionary zoologist, ideologist of fauna transformation


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


An essay about a researcher who joined the revolutionary wave of research when he became the head of the scientific department of the Askania-Nova Reserve. Fortunatov’s main research focused on measures to restore the European bison population, in particular by the admixture of American bison blood, hybridising representatives of different groups of ungulates, and developing programmes for the ‘reconstruction of the fauna.’ The latter were developed by him in 1933–1935 and became state programmes that included measures for the introduction of alien species and wildlife breeding, in particular in nature reserves.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Bezlutska, O. 2021. Boris Konstantinovich Fortunatov (1886–1940?): pages of biography. Southern Archive (Historical Sciences), 33: 5–9. [In Ukrainian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1922. Bison and European bison in Askania Nova. Izvestiya of the State Steppe Zapovednik Askania-Nova. Issue 1. Typography No. 2, Kherson, 1–9. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1924. Hybrid herds in recent years. In: Askania NovaSteppe Reserve of Ukraine. Eds M. Zavadovsky, B. K. Fortunatov. Gosizdat, Moscow, 319–342. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1928. Zoo. Steppe Zapovednik Chapli — Askania Nova.Eds M. N. Kolodko, B. K. Fortunatov. Gosizdat, Moscow, 50–180. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. 1931a. Wolves in the Dnipro sands. Ukrainian hunter and fisherman, No. 8–9: 24–26. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1931b. The results of a decade of European bison restoring. Restoration of European bison in the Chapli Nature Reserve (formerly Askania Nova). Nature and Socialist Economy (Nature Protection), 4 (6–8): 128–129; 129–133. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1932. Notes on the fauna of the Caucasus State Reserve. Nature and Socialist Economy (Nature Protection), 5: 172–184. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1933. On the general plan of reconstruction of the commercial fauna of the European part of the USSR and Ukraine. Nature and Socialist Economy (Nature Protection), 6: 90–109. [In Russian]
Fortunatov, B. K. 1935. On the general plan of fauna reconstruction. Proceedings of the All-Union Congress on Nature Protection. VOOP, Moscow, 318–338. [In Russian]
Kostin, S. Yu., A. I. Dulitsky, A. A. Sirotkina. 2020. History of zoological research in the Crimean Nature Reserve: vertebrates. Scientific Notes of the “Cape Martian” Nature Reserve, 11: 148–200. [In Russian]


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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created: 30.12.2023
updated: 21.06.2024

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