general info about Theriologia Ukrainica

Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Borys Bilskyi, a mammalogist and head of the academic zoological museum in Kyiv. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 185–187.



Borys Bilskyi, a mammalogist and head of the academic zoological museum in Kyiv


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


An essay about a zoologist who made a significant contribution to mammalogy in Ukraine through research into the distribution of jerboas, studying the fauna of the Goryste Reserve and forming the collections of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences (now part of the NMNH, NAS of Ukraine). During the period of his leadership of the museum, his important contribution to the development of collections was the negotiations with various institutions on the transfer of collections to ZMAS. The researcher devoted a significant part of his career to working at various plant protection stations and entomology departments, monitoring pest populations and developing measures to regulate them.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Bilsky, B. 1929. The distribution of the large ground hare (Alactaga jaculus Pall.= A. saliens Gm.) in the Right-Bank Ukraine. Collection of works of the Zoological Museum, 7: 147–180. [In Ukrainian]
Mazurmovych, B. N. 1972. The Development of Zoology in Ukraine. KSU Publishing House, Kyiv, 1–230. [In Ukrainian]
Zagorodniuk, I., K. Ocheretna. 2019. The Zoological Museum of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences for 100 years: statuses, subordinations, and leaders. Natural History Museology. Volume 5. NAS of Ukraine; National Museum of Natural History. Kyiv, 45–52. [In Ukrainian]


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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created: 30.12.2023
updated: 21.06.2024

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