general info about Theriologia Ukrainica

Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Hennadii Selezhynskyi, a collector, taxidermist, and populariser of natural knowledge. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 220–223.



Hennadii Selezhynskyi, a collector, taxidermist, and populariser of natural knowledge


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


An essay about one of the most prominent taxidermists of the Kyiv zoological world of the second half of the twentieth century and a highly productive collector of mammals. The researcher worked in the zoological museums of the Academy of Sciences and Kyiv University. In 1960–1970, he collected almost 300 specimens of 36 mammal species from different regions of Ukraine, Central Asia, and the Far East, including materials from the Carpathians, Lankaran, Kopetdag, Issyk-Kul, Kugytang, and the Kuril Islands. The scientist paid considerable attention to science popularisation and published four popular science books, two of which had two editions in different languages, and their total circulation was 213 thousand copies.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Savynsky S. V., Selezhynsky G. V. 1974. Life Around Us. Photo Album. Ed. by M. A. Voinstvensky. Art, Kyiv, 1–144. [In Ukrainian]
Selezhynsky, G. V. 1969. Animals-Builders. Scientific and Popular Edition. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 1–104. [In Ukrainian]
Selezhynsky, G. V. 1971. Animals-Builders. Scientific and Popular Edition. Transl. from Ukrainian. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 1–100. [In Russian]
Selezhynsky, G. 1974. Window into the Zooworld. Veselka Publ. House, Kyiv, 1–67. [In Ukrainian]
Selezhynsky, G. V. 1986. Our Beautiful Companions. Polumia, Kyiv, 1–206. [In Russian]
Selezhynsky, G. V. 1986. Our Beautiful Companions. Molod Publ. House, Transl. from Russian by N. Okolitenko. Kyiv, 1–128. ISBN 5-7720-0263-5. [In Russian]
Smorzh, L. 2017. Hennadii Selezhynsky. In: Smorzh, L. Stories on the Unforgettable and the Unforgettables (Memoirs). Ukrainian Ethnography, Opishne, 537–539. [In Ukrainian]


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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created: 30.12.2023
updated: 21.06.2024

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