general info about Theriologia Ukrainica

Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Oleg Yatsenia, a naturalist, collector, and taxidermist. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 232–235.



Oleg Yatsenia, a naturalist, collector, and taxidermist


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


An essay about a researcher from Kyiv who was a naturalist, traveller, collector, museum worker, and was interested in all manifestations of nature. As an employee of both the Zoological Museum of Kyiv University and the academic zoological museum, he collected materials in Kyiv, Cherkasy, Odesa, Crimea, Azerbaijan (especially Lankaran), and Turkmenistan (Kushka et al.) His mammal collections relate to different groups of micromammals, and in general he collected materials on all possible vertebrate groups. The researcher has only a few scientific works, and he was more interested in naturalism: collecting, hunting, aquarium, clubs, and youth naturalist groups.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Monchenko, V. I., O. Z. Yatsenia. 1966. The freshwater jellyfish. Priroda [Nature], no. 1: 104. [In Russian]
Movchan, Y. V., L. G. Manilo, A. I. Smirnov, A. Y. Scherbukha. 2003. Cyclostomatous and fishes. Zoomuseum of the NNPM, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1–241. (Series: Catalogue of collections of the Zoological Museum). [In Russian]
Pavlovsky, E. N. (ed.). 1961. Zoologists of the Soviet Union: a reference book. Izd. of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1–292. [In Russian]
Pohrebniak, S., E. Pysanets, V. Manilo. 2010. M. M. Shcherbak Zoological Museum: past and present. Svitogliad, No. 4: 36–45. [In Ukrainian]
Yatsenia, O. Z., N. N. Shcherbak. 1966. A new find of a masked magpie on the territory of the USSR. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 14 (8): 1266. [In Russian]
Yatsenia, O. Z. 1967. To the fauna of harvest mites (Trombiculidae) of the Samara forest. In: Theses of the fifth scientific conference of young specialists. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 55–56. [In Russian]
Yatsenia, O. Z., D. I. Kucher-Tomchenko. 2009–2018. A brief sketch of the development of amateur societies (aquarium societies) in Kyiv. All-Ukrainian Association of Aquarists (Website). [In Russian]
Zagorodniuk, I., L. Godlewska, 2001. Bats on the collections of zoological museums of Ukraine: review and phenological analysis of data. In: Zagorodniuk, I. (ed.). Migration Status of Bats in Ukraine. Ukrainian Theriological Society, Kyiv, 122–156. (Novitates Theriologicae; Pars 6). [In Ukrainian]
Zagorodniuk, I. V., N. M. Cheremnykh. 2020. Birch mice (Sicista) in the fauna of Ukraine: analysis of zoological collections of natural history museums of the NAS of Ukraine.Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum (Lviv), 36: 27–40. [In Ukrainian] doi: 10.36885/nzdpm.2020.36.27-40


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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created: 30.12.2023
updated: 21.06.2024

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