general info about Theriologia Ukrainica

Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2023 • Vol. 16 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfZagorodniuk, I. 2023. Ivan Litus, a specialist in the field of game animal acclimatisation, organiser of ‘royal hunts’. Novitates Theriologicae, 16: 250–252.



Ivan Litus, a specialist in the field of game animal acclimatisation, organiser of ‘royal hunts’


Igor Zagorodniuk (National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv)


An essay about a specialist who developed the ideas of isolated, powerful hunting grounds with the introduction of alien species, excessively high abundance of wild game and measures to maintain it artificially. His focus was primarily on game animals and everything that contributed to the ‘enrichment’ of hunting grounds, excluding factors of disturbance to the local people and ordinary hunters, creating a system of fenced areas for the release of imported animals and preventing their escape. He is the author of four publications on mammals (and about 10 on hunting grounds and their fauna), including the monograph ‘Acclimatisation of Wild Animals’ (1986).


Ukrainian, with English summary



Arkhipchuk, V. A. 1979. Breeding of the European hare. Hunting and Game Management, No. 2: 6–7. [In Russian]
Litus, I. E. 1973. Acclimatisation of Pheasants in Ukraine. Abstract of PhD thesis. Kyiv, 1–24. [In Russian]
Litus, I. E. 1974. On the acclimatisation of the raccoon dog in Ukraine. In: Forestry, paper and woodworking industry. Collection No. 5. Kyiv, 14–15. [In Ukrainian]
Litus, I. E. 1978. Acclimatisation of sika deer on the territory of Ukraine. In: III All-Union seminar-meeting on acclimatisation and reacclimatisation of game animals in the USSR (Abstracts of reports). Uradzhai, Minsk, 140–142. [In Russian]
Litus, I. E. 1979. Acclimatisation of muskrat on the territory of Ukraine. In: Problems of muskrat breeding. Kirov, 281–282. [In Russian]
Litus, I. E. 1986. Acclimatisation of Wild Animals. Urozhay, Kyiv, 1–192. [In Russian]
Litus, I. E. 1987. On the Spills of Teteriv [Dnipro-Teteriv State Protected Forestry Hunting Reserve]. Urozhay, Kyiv, 1–173. [In Russian]
Pererva, V. I., I. E. Litus, V. I. Kryzhanovsky. 1991. The State of European bison stock in the Ukraine and ways of its rational use. Vestnik zoologii, No. 5: 11–15. [In Russian]


online: 30.12.2023; print: 30.12.2023


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created: 30.12.2023
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