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Theriologia Ukrainica

ISSN 2616-7379 (print) • ISSN 2617-1120 (online)

2023 • Vol. 25 • Contents of volume >>>

download pdfDerkach, V., H. Gerasimchuk, V. Loyko, P. Khoyetskyy. 2023. Habitats and diet of the European bison in the Tsumanska Pushcha National Nature Park (Ukraine). Theriologia Ukrainica, 25: 164–172. [In Ukrainian, with English summary]



Habitats and diet of the European bison in the Tsumanska Pushcha National Nature Park (Ukraine)


Vitalii Derkach, Halyna Herasimchuk, Volodymyr Loyko,
Pavlo Khoyetskyy (orcid: 0000-0001-9726-953X)


1 National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha" (Kivertsi, Ukraine);
2 Ukrainian National Forestry University (Lviv, Ukraine)


Theriologia Ukrainica. 2023. Vol. 25: 164–172.




Ukrainian, with English summary, titles of tables, captures to figs


The conservation and restoration of the bison (Bison bonasus L.) is one of the fundamental issues of international importance in the Tsumanska Pushcha National Nature Park, Ukraine. The distribution of bison in the territory of the park and adjacent areas is associated with the specific requirements of the species regarding food and protective properties of the terrain. In spring, with the beginning of the growing season, the grass cover is thin and the amount of food is insufficient, so bison prefer swampy biotopes. In March–April, birch–alder and aspen–birch–alder stands provide optimal feeding conditions for the animals. Within the territory of spring distribution of bison, the biotopes they inhabit are represented by wet and fairly fertile sites (types C3 and C4,), as well as moist and fairly infertile pine site (type B3). Biotopes these animals inhabit during the spring–summer period (March–August) cover an area of about 1640 hectares, of which 350 hectares are within the national park, and the rest are part of the territory of the Muravyschensky and Sokyrychivsk forests of the Kivertsi Forestry State Enterprise. The territory of the forest districts is characterised by a mosaic structure of stands, alternating areas of broad-leaved and coniferous species, wetlands and grass glades with good feeding conditions for the animals. The animals have adapted to almost all types of forest biotopes. During the entire growing season, the trophic activity of bison is particulary high in pastures, forest clearings, and swampy meadows adjacent to woodlands. The main bison biotopes are located at a large distance from human settlements and characterised by poorly developed road network, low level of disturbance, and favourable living conditions. The current size of the bison population in the national park is 21 individuals, and the presence of calves and young animals is a sign of favourable conditions and positive population dynamics that may lead to further increase in the future. In order to minimise the impact of negative factors, relevant measures should be implemented to maintain the stability of the subpopulation, to protect the habitats of the animals, and to conduct active educational and informational activities in the park. The technologies of forest felling, harvesting of minor forestry products, and other forestry works must include elements aimed at preventing negative effects on bison.


Bison bonasus, biotope, seasonal patterns, growing season, forest stands, meadow complexes



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created: 30.06.2023
updated: 02.07.2023

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