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Publications on cryptic species
and species concept in zoology

(PDF-format, articles by Igor Zagorodniuk and colleagues)


english version This page devoted to investigations of cryptic diversity of mammals from Ukraine and adjacent countries as well as problems of distinguish and using of the concept of "species" for all cases of establishing of early stages of evolutionary differentiation of populations on the levels of sibling-species, allospecies, quasispecies, transitive taxonomic systems (TTS) etc. This part of biodiversity includes up to 20 % of taxonomic diversity known in classic reviews. This topic in a whole is the joyous flame of biodiversity investigators and permanent headache for fauna investigators and fauna conservators. Every year, number of known (and recognized) mammal species is continuously increasing, and such knowledge should be accessible for each of all, who are studying and describing fauna composition and ecology of mammals, and who are developing action plans for their protection.

Main publications by Igor Zagorodniuk on these topics

Articles presented on this page cover some parts of Igor Zagorodniuk's thesis "Cryptic diversity of mammal communities of Eastern Europe", which is preparing for public presentation. At this time, 48 special publications are presented below.


Zagorodniuk I. Interspecies hybridization and factors of its formation in the East-European mammalian fauna // Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica. 2011. Vol. 5, № 2. P. 173–210. — (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (3,35 mb)

Zagorodniuk I. Morphology of post-calcarial lobe in bats and its variation in Eptesicus “serotinus” (Mammalia). Visnyk of Lviv Univ. Biology series. 2009. Is. 51. P. 157–175. — (In Ukrainian, with summary in English). >>> (pdf 2,20 mb) (with description of new species Eptesicus lobatus)

Korobchenko M., Zagorodniuk I. Taxonomy and levels of differentiation in mole-rats (Spalacidae) of the fauna of Ukraine and adjacent countries // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. 2009. Vol. 26. P. 13–26. (in Ukrainian, with summary in English). >>> (pdf 1,51 mb)

Zagorodniuk I., Dykyy I. Brandt’s bat (Myotis brandtii) in the Western Ukraine: identification, distribution, ecomorphology // Visnyk of Lviv. Univ. Biology series. 2009. Issue 49. P. 111–127. (in Ukrainian, with summary in English). >>> (663 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Mammal diversity and species richness of guilds // Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Biol.). 2008. Vol. 24. P. 11–23. (In Ukrainian, with summary in English). >>> (817 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Sibling and morphologically closed species of mammals in collections of zoological museum: main results and prospects of investigations // Modern museums. Scientific and exposition work (Proceedings of Scientific conference in the Chernivtsi regional museum, 15.05.2008). Chernivtsi: DruckArt, 2008. 25–34. (in Ukrainian). >>> (pdf 345 kb) 

Zagorodniuk I., Emelyanov I. Cryptic diversity of mammals in Eastern Europe as reflection of variety of species phenomena // Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Biol.). 2008. Vol. 22. P. 166–178. — (in Ukrainian, with summary in English). >>> (807 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Cryptic diversity of mammals in steppe zone of Eastern Ukraine // Reserved steppes of Ukraine: State and perspectives of their protection (Ascania-Nova, 18–22.09.2007). Ascania-Nova, 2007. Pp. 52–54. (in Ukrainian). >>> (280 kb)

Zagorodniuk I., Postawa T. Spatial and ecomorphological divergence of Plecotus sibling species (Mammalia) in sympatry zone in Eastern Europe // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Museum. L'viv, 2007. Vol. 23. Pp. 215–224. >>> (411 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Allospecies of rodent group Sicista «betulina»: spatial relationships from the viewpoint of limiting similarity concept // Visnyk of the Dnipropetrovsk University. Series Biology & Ecology. 2007. N 15. Pp. 45–53. (in Ukrainian, with summary in English). >>> (521 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Conflict through coincidence of niches in sibling species: estimation using Hutchinsonian ratio // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. 2007. Issue 20. Pp. 5–13. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (157 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Coordinated genetic, biogeographical and morphological differentiation in evolutionary young species: analysis of the group Microtus “arvalis” (Mammalia) // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr. 2007. N 3. Pp. 175–181. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (459 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Biogeography of mammals’ cryptic species in the Eastern Europe // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. 2005. Issue 17. Pp. 5–27. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (1185 kb)

Zagorodniuk І. V. Regularities of the development of a geographical variation in sibling complexes of mammals (by the example of genus Sylvaemus) // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr. 2005. N 9. Pp. 171–180. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (290 kb)

Zagorodniuk І. V., Atamas' N. S. A morphological differentiation of hamsters (Cricetidae) from the East Europe: diagnostic weight of signs and pattern of taxonomic relations // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr. 2005. № 54. С. 153–160. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (372 kb)

Kondratenko O., Zagorodniuk I. Composition and pattern of similarity of small mammal faunas from the reserved sites of eastern part of Ukraine // Uchenyje Zapiski of Tavrichesky National University. Seria «Biologia, Chimia». 2004. Vol. (56), № 2. Pp. 82–89. (Summary: p. 238). (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (144 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V., Fesenko G. V. Sibling Taxonomical Complexes among Birds of Fauna of the Eastern Europe // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. 2004. Issue 15. Pp. 5–19. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (336 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Levels of morphological differentiation in closed species of mammals and the concept of hiatus // Visnyk of Lviv University: Biology Series. 2004. Is. 38. Pp. 21–42. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (338 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Biological species as amplify essence: attributes of buffering and modes of shifting // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. 2004. Issue 14. Pp. 5–15. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (233 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Autogenic regularities of speciation in sibling complexes of mammals // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr. 2003. N 11. Pp. 179–187. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (384 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Invasions as way to speciation // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr. 2003. N 10. Pp. 187–194. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (435 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Species of the lower tetrapodes from Ukraine: in the nature and on the paper // Visnyk Lvivskogo Univ. (Biology Series). 2003. Is. 33. Pp. 80–90. >>> (492 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V., Emelyanov I. G. Species in ecology as population system and member of biotic community // Visnyk of the Dnipropetrovsk University (Ser. Biol. & Ecol.). 2003. Issue 11 (Vol. 1). Pp. 8–13. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (100 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Taxonomic revision and diagnostics of the rodent genus Mus from Eastern Europe. Communication 2 // Visti of Biosphere reserve “Askania-Nova”. 2002. Vol. 4. P. 130–140. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (486 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Allospecies of the roe deer (Capreolus): nature of differences between them and status of populations from Ukraine // Visnyk Luhanskogo Pedagogichnoho Universytetu. Biological Sciences. 2002. N 1 (45). P. 206–222. (In Ukrainian with English summary). >>> (232 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Transitive taxonomic systems and their pattern in susliks (Spermophilus) // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2002, N 9. Pp. 185–191. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (345 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Species of the genus Plecotus in the Crimea and neighbouring areas in the Northern Black Sea Region // Woloszyn B. W. (ed.). Proceedings of the VIIIth ERBS. Krakow: PLATAN Publ. House, 2001. Vol. 2 (Distribution, ecology, paleontology and systematics of bats). P. 159–173. >>> (279 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Species in biology as continuous system // Phenomenon of coexistence of two paradigms creationism and evolutionary concept. Kyiv: “NVP Vyrij” Press, 2001: Pp. 153–181. (In Ukrainian with summary in English). (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (324 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Nomenclature and system of genus Arvicola // The Water Vole. Mode of the Species (P. A. Pantelejev ed.). Moskwa: Nauka, 2001: Pp. 174–192. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (292 kb kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Nature of differences in closed species: analysis of sibling species of bats // Zoological investigations in Ukraine (Proceedings of All-Ukrainian Zoological Conference in Kryvyj Rig, 13–14 November 2001) // Kryvyj Rig: I.B.I., 2001. - Pp. 143–145. (In Ukrainian). >>> (275 kb) 

Zagorodniuk I. V. Levels of taxonomic and morphological differentiation in European groups of rodents from the family Muridae (Mammalia) // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2001, N 5: 151–157. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (440 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V., Kondratenko O. V. Sicista severtzovi and its relatives in rodent fauna of Ukraine: cytogenetic and biogeographical analysis // Vestnik zoologii. 2000. Suppl. 15. Pp. 101–107. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (280 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V., Kavun K. Yu. Age variation as basis of formation of interspecies differences in rodents (Muriformes) // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 2000. N 3: Pp. 174–180. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (135 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Polytypic species: a concept and the presence in theriofauna of the East Europe // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., 1998. N 7. Pp. 171–178. (In Ukrainian, with English summary). >>> (131 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Polyspecies of bats from the Eastern Europe and their diagnostics // European bat night '98 in Ukraine. Kyiv, 1998: Pp. 56–65. (Proc. Theriol. School, issue 1). (pdf 212 kb) >>>

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Boyeskorov G. G., Zykov A. E. Variation and taxonomic status of the steppe forms of genus Sylvaemus (falzfeini — fulvipectus — hermonensis — arianus) // Vestnik zoologii, 1997, Vol. 31 (5–6): Pp. 37–56. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (612 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Rare shrew species in the territory of Ukraine: legends, facts, and diagnostics // Vestn. zoologii, 1996, Vol. 30 (6): 53–69.(In Russian, with English summary). >>> (386 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V. Taxonomic revision and diagnostics of the rodent genus Mus from Eastern Europe. Communication 1 // Vestnik zoologii, 1996, Vol. 30 (1–2): Pp. 28–45. (In Russian, with English summary)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Sibling species of mice from Eastern Europe: taxonomy, diagnostics and distribution // Reports Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr. Kyiv, 1996, N 12: 166–173. >>> (346 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. Natural history of the Black Rat (Rattus rattus) in Ukraine // Urbanized Environment: Nature Protection and Public Health. Kyiv, 1996: Pp. 228–231. (In Ukrainian). >>> (345 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V., Fedorchenko O. O. Allopatric species among rodent group Spermophilus suslicus (Mammalia) // Vestnik zoologii, 1995, Vol. 29 (5–6): Pp. 49–58. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (182 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Mishta A. V. On species identity of the hedgehogs of genus Erinaceus of Ukraine and adjoining countries // Vestnik zoologii, 1995, Vol. 29 (2/3): Pp. 50–57. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (105 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Berezovsky V. I. Mus spicilegus (Mammalia) in the fauna of Podolia and the northern border of its range in the Eastern Europe // Zoologicheski zhurnal, 1994, Vol. 73 (6): Pp. 110–119. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (340 kb)

Zagorodniuk I. V., Mikhailenko A. G., Teslenko S. V. Voles of the genus Microtus in Moldova // Sokolov V. E. & Karaseva E. V. (eds.). Synanthropy of Rodents (Proc. of 2nd Conf. in Ivanovo 1993). Moscow, IEMEZh, 1993: Pp. 88–91. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (77 kb)

Fedorchenko A. A., Zagorodniuk I. V. Mice of the genus Sylvaemus from Lower Danube Region. Communication 2: Distribution and abundance // Vestn. zool., 1994, Vol. 28 (4–5): Pp. 41–49. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (646 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Fedorchenko A. A. Mice of the genus Sylvaemus in the Lower Danube Region. Communication 1: Taxonomy and diagnostics // Vestnik zoologii, 1993, Vol. 27 (3): Pp. 41–49. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (332 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Taxonomy and distribution of the gray voles (Rodentiformes: Arvicolini) in Ukraine // Mammals of the Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1993. Pp. 63–76. (In Russian, with English summary) >>> (362 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Identification of East European forms of Sylvaemus sylvaticus (Rodentia) and their geographic occurrence // Vestnik zoologii, 1993, Vol. 27 (6): Pp. 37–47. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (437 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V., Vorontsov N. N., Peskov V. N. Tatra vole (Terricola tatricus) in the Eastern Carpathians // Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 1992, Vol. 71 (6): Pp. 96–105. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (352 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Geographic Distribution and levels of Abundance of Terricola subterraneus of the USSR territory // Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 1992, Vol. 71 (2): Pp. 86–97. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (512 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Karyotypic Variation of 46-chromosome forms of the vole group of Microtus arvalis (Rodentia): a taxonomic evaluation // Vestnik zoologii, 1991, Vol. 25 (1): Pp. 36–45 + 3rd page of cover. (In Russian, with English summary). >>> (608 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Taxonomy, Distribution and Morphological Variation of the Terricola Voles in East Europe // Vestn. zool., 1989, Vol. 23 (5): 3–14. (in Russian, with English summary). >>> (pdf 466 kb)

Mezhzherin S. V., Zagorodnyuk I. V. A new species of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae) // Vestnik zoologii, 1989, N 4: Pp. 55–59. >>> (602 kb)

Zagorodnyuk I. V. Karyotype, systematic positions and taxonomic status of Pitymys ukrainicus (Rodentia) // Vestn. zool., 1988, Vol. 22 (4): 50–55. (in Russian, with English summary). >>> (561 kb)


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