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Theriologia Ukrainica 27 (2024)

East-European Journal of Theriology

українська версія Resume. Volume 27 of Theriologia Ukrainica includes 14 articles grouped into the traditional 6 sections; 5 of them are in English, the rest in Ukrainian. All articles in the volume have DOI, home page, extended (1800 words) summaries in English and Ukrainian, as well as duplicated titles of tables and figures in English; all bibliography is in Latin. This volume, like the previous ones, has the status of not only a printed but also an electronic edition, and the full texts of the articles (pdf), which will by posted here during nearest mounth, are full-fledged publications. The contents of the volume were approved on 30.06.2024, and the information will be posted during nearest mounth on the DOAJ and Index Copernicus services. The cover photo is of the yellow-necked mouse, by Halyna Stanytsina.


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pages of volumes

volume 27 (2024)
volume 26 (2023)
volume 25 (2023)
volume 24 (2022)
volume 23 (2022)
volume 22 (2021)
volume 21 (2021)
volume 20 (2020)
volume 19 (2020)
volume 18 (2019)
volume 17 (2019)
volume 16 (2018)
volume 15 (2017)
volume 14 (2016)
volume 13 (2015)
volume 12 (2014)
volume 11 (2012)
volume 10 (2010)
volume 9 (2008)
volume 8 (2006)
volume 7 (2006)
volume 6 (2004)
volume 5 (2002)
volume 4 (2002)
volume 3 (2002)
volume 2 (1999)
volume 1 (1998)






Theriologia Ukrainica. 2024. Vol. 27. 204 pages.
p-ISSN 2616-7379 e-ISSN 2617-1120




Fauna and Systematics


Zagorodniuk, I. Fauna of war: trench fauna, polemochors, stray and alien animals (theriological aspects)

Khamaiko, N., P. Gol'din, M. Kublii, Y. Yanish. Cats in Kyivan Rus: where did they appear from and how did they look like in the Middle Ages?


Genetics and Variability


Lazariev, D. Craniology of Neogale vison in areas of introduction: analysis of samples from Ukraine



Distribution and Abundance



Novoseltseva, Y. Analysis of the distribution of Muscardinus avellanarius (Rodentia) in Ukraine using the Maxent model


Smagol, V., A. Stupak, V. Smagol, O. Yanevich. The saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) in the Quaternary of Ukraine: distribution and morphology


Monitoring and Ecology


Drebet, M. Population dynamics of bats of the Ivankivtsi adits (Podillia, Ukraine): results of long-term monitoring of winter aggregations


Zhyla, S. Bear (Ursus arctos) markings of trees in the Chornobyl Biosphere Reserve


Skorobogatov, I., M. Palkina, V. Terekhova. Operative monitoring of the distribution of the Russian desman (Desmana moschata) using a trained dog


Tytar, V., I. Kozynenko, M. Navakatikyan. Modelling the distribution of the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Sabah (Borneo) based on remotely sensed high-resolution global cloud dynamics



Mammals of Protected Ecosystems


Vyshnevskyi, D. Muroid rodent communities in areas with varying degrees of fire damage: the Chernobyl polygons


Polischuk, I. Demographic structure and long-term population dynamics of Muroidea in the Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve


Timoshenkov, V. Long-term dynamics of mammal communities in the Homilshanski Lisy National Nature Park (2015–2022)


History of Research


Zagorodniuk, I. Game management and laboratories of game animal research in Ukraine for 100 years: transformations of ideas and institutions


Prydatko-Dolin, V. Traces of hunters on Eastern Arctic islands in ancient times. Part 1



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Igor Zagorodniuk

created on 30.06.2024
updated on 22.07.2024

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