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Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (Print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (Online)

website of the Ukrainian Theriological Society www.terioshkola.org.ua



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ukrainian version Novitates Theriologicae is a scientific periodical published by the Ukrainian Theriological Society of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It is devoted to the most relevant topics of current research carried out by mammalogists thus all issues of the series are thematic. Separate issues are devoted to conference or seminar proceedings, research projects (for example, bat migration), surveys (for example, field research methods of mammals), and interdisciplinary initiatives (such as issues of the species concept in biology).


Archive of issues

All issues of the Novitates Theriologicae are freely available on terms of CC BY-SA 4.0 licence. The author(s) are allowed to hold the copyright without restrictions, although they are not allowed to retain retain publishing rights.

Brief summaries and contents are given in original language for each issue listed below. Full texts can be accessed from the respective content pages.


pars 16 • Theriology in wartime — issue 16 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is devoted to re-search in 2021–2023, which were carried out under lockdown because of the covid pandemic and russian intervention. The collection contains (besides the preface) 56 materials grouped into seven sections. Kyiv, 2023. 276 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 15 • Theriology in Ukraine. Part 2 [Modern theriologists and persons related to theriology] — issue 15 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is a сollection of articles on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the theriological society, with a directory of modern theriologists and persons related to theriology. Kyiv, 2022. 292 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 14 • Theriology in Ukraine. Part 1 [100 outstanding researchers of the past] — issue 14 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is a сollection of articles on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the theriological society, which includes a directory of 100 outstanding researchers of the past. Kyiv, 2022. 610 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 13 • The Wild Fauna in a Changing Environment — issue 13 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is a сollection of articles devoted to research topics of existence of wild mammals under anthropogenic pressure and other changing factors of the environment. Kyiv, 2022. 160 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 12 • Species in Biology: Theory and Practice — issue 12 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is devoted to proceedings of the seminar of the same title initiated by the Ukrainian Theriological Society with the participation of specialists from various fields of biology. Kyiv, 2021. 396 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 11 • Chorology of Mammals and Records of Rare Species — issue 11 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is devoted to changes in fauna composition and species range of mammals, as well as to records of rare species; Kyiv, 2020. 210 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 10 • Mammal Census: Data Collection and Processing — issue 10 in the series Novitates Theriologicae is a collection of scientific articles on methods of field research of mammals, based on materials of the 2-22 theriological schools; Kyiv, 2017. 226 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 9 • Mammal Research in Steppe Regions — issue 9 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes pre-war materials on research in steppe regions of Ukraine accumulated in the society's archives; Kyiv, 2015. 200 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 8 • Theriofauna of Protected Areas and Mammal Protection — issue 8 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes proceedings of the 19 Theriological School (Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, September 2012); Hola Prystan, 2012. 76 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article>>>

pars 7 • Methods of Mammal Fauna Census — issue 7 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes proceedings of the 9 Theriological School (Roztochchia Nature Reserve, October 2002); Luhansk, 2007. 46 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 6 • Migration Status of Bats in Ukraine — issue 6 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes results of the similarly titled research project. Kyiv, Ukrainian Theriological Society, 2001. 172 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 5 • Mammals of Open Areas — issue 5 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes proceedings of the 8 Theriological School (Luhansk Nature Reserve, May 2001); Kyiv, Luhansk, 2005. 96 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 4 • Large Carnivores in Ukraine and Adjacent Countries — issue 4 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes proceedings of the 7 Theriological School (Polissia Nature Reserve, December 2001); Kyiv, 2001. 72 pp.
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 3 • Bats of the Carpathian Region — issue 3 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes proceedings of the Third International Conference "Bats of the Carpathians", Kyiv, 2003. 96 pp. (a beta version with abstracts was released in 2000).
Contents with pdf of each article >>>

pars 2 • The Use of Ultrasonic Detectors in Bat Research — issue 2 in the series Novitates Theriologicae includes proceedings of the bat-detector workshop (Biostation Yaduty, May 2000); Kyiv, 2000. 58 pp.
Full pdf-version (1,4 mb) >>>

pars 1 • Theriology in Ukraine 2000: Stepping into the New Age — issue 1 in the series Novitates Theriologicae, with a digest of the main topics in current theriological research and prospects on the nearest conferences; Kyiv, 2000. 14 pp.
Full pdf-version (528 kb) >>>


Covers of some old issues







pars 4. Large
Carnivores in Ukraine
and Adjacent Countries

Kyiv, 2001. 74 pp.

pars 6.
Migration Status of
Bats in Ukraine
Kyiv, 2001. 172 pp.

pars 8.
Theriofauna of
Protected Areas.
Hola Prystan, 2012. 76 pp.


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created by: Igor Zagorodniuk & Zoltan Barkaszi

created 21.04.2020, updated 06.09.2021


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